14 Best Crypto Wallet for iPhone

Yakov Itai Samelson
May 21, 2024

Best Crypto Wallet for iPhone

Choosing the best crypto wallet for iPhone is more than just a matter of convenience, it’s about security, functionality, and ease of use in the rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrency. With the iPhone being a staple device for many, the integration of a crypto wallet that matches its sophistication and user-friendly design is paramount. The best crypto wallet for iPhone not only offers a seamless interface but also ensures that users’ digital assets are protected with state-of-the-art security measures. As cryptocurrencies continue to gain mainstream acceptance, the demand for a reliable and efficient crypto wallet for iPhone has surged. Users are looking for a wallet that supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies, provides real-time market data, and allows for easy transactions without compromising on security. The best crypto wallet for iPhone caters to both seasoned traders and newcomers to the crypto space, offering educational resources to help users navigate the complexities of digital currencies.


The Need for Best Crypto Wallet for iPhone

In the digital age where financial transactions are increasingly moving online, the need for the best crypto wallet for iPhone has never been more critical. iPhone users, known for their preference for high-quality applications and security, demand a crypto wallet that aligns with these values. A top-tier crypto wallet for iPhone must offer robust security features such as two-factor authentication, biometric login, and hardware encryption to protect users’ private keys and transaction data. Additionally, with the iPhone’s global user base, the wallet should support a wide array of cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies to cater to a diverse audience. The integration of features such as live price tracking, portfolio management, and direct trading within the app enhances user experience, making it easier for iPhone users to manage their digital assets efficiently. Furthermore, the wallet’s design and usability are crucial, it should offer a clean, intuitive interface that complements the iPhone’s sleek design, ensuring that users can navigate the app effortlessly. The need for the best crypto wallet for iPhone is not just about keeping up with technological trends, it’s about providing a secure, comprehensive, and user-friendly platform that empowers iPhone users to take control of their digital financial future.

Crypto Wallet for iPhone


Best Crypto Wallets for iPhone

  1. Coinbase Wallet
  2. MetaMask
  3. Sweat Wallet
  4. Phantom
  5. Braavos Smart Wallet
  6. Smart Wallet App
  7. Tonkeeper
  8. 1inch
  9. Surf Wallet
  10. Pass2U Wallet
  11. Tronlink
  12. Backpack Crypto Wallet
  13. DeFi Wallet
  14. PointPay


How does a Crypto Wallet for iPhone work?

A crypto wallet for iPhone functions as a secure digital wallet that allows users to manage, store, and trade their cryptocurrencies directly from their iOS device. It operates by interfacing with various blockchain networks to facilitate transactions and provide real-time updates on currency values. When a user initiates a transaction, such as sending Bitcoin to another wallet, the iPhone crypto wallet signs the transaction with a private key, which is a secure digital code known only to the owner. This signature authorizes the transaction without revealing the private key itself. The transaction is then broadcast to the blockchain network, where it is verified by miners and added to the blockchain ledger.

The best crypto wallets for iPhone often come with enhanced security features such as two-factor authentication, biometric login (like Touch ID or Face ID), and multi-signature support, which requires more than one private key to authorize a transaction. Additionally, these wallets may offer user-friendly interfaces, support for multiple cryptocurrencies, and even integrated services like cryptocurrency exchanges and market analysis tools.


How to choose a Crypto Wallet for iPhone?

Choosing the best crypto wallet for iPhone devices involves considering several key parameters and features. The primary concern should always be security. Look for wallets that offer strong encryption, backup options, and protection against unauthorized access. A wallet that supports two-factor authentication and biometric security features can provide additional layers of security.

Another important factor is the user interface. The wallet should be intuitive and easy to navigate, especially for users who are new to cryptocurrency. It should allow you to easily check your balance, send and receive funds, and perform any other required tasks with minimal hassle.

Compatibility with multiple cryptocurrencies is also essential. As the crypto market evolves, you may want to diversify your portfolio, so a wallet that supports a wide range of digital currencies and tokens will be more beneficial.

Consider the wallet’s backup and recovery options. A good crypto wallet will offer a straightforward and secure method to back up your wallet so that you can recover your funds if your iPhone is lost, stolen, or damaged.

Lastly, customer support is an important aspect to consider. Access to responsive and helpful customer service can be crucial, especially if you encounter any issues with your wallet or transactions.

By carefully evaluating these features and how they align with your personal needs and security requirements, you can select the best crypto wallet for iPhone devices that is both secure and convenient, ensuring a smooth and safe cryptocurrency experience.


Crypto Wallet for iPhone


1. Coinbase Wallet

Coinbase Wallet

Coinbase Wallet is a secure and versatile crypto wallet for iPhone designed to cater to the needs of both novice and experienced cryptocurrency users. It offers a user-friendly platform for managing a wide array of digital assets, including cryptocurrencies and NFTs. As a self-custody wallet, it empowers users by giving them full control over their private keys and digital assets, ensuring privacy and security. The wallet supports a broad spectrum of cryptocurrencies and is integrated with decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, making it a comprehensive tool for engaging with the digital asset ecosystem directly from an iPhone, making it to the top of the list of the best crypto wallet for iPhone.


What does Coinbase Wallet do?

Coinbase Wallet is a crypto wallet for iPhone that serves as a bridge between users and the decentralized web, enabling secure storage and management of cryptocurrencies and NFTs. It facilitates direct interactions with DeFi platforms, allowing users to lend, borrow, or earn interest on their digital assets without intermediaries. The wallet also supports the buying, selling, and trading of a wide range of cryptocurrencies and NFTs, providing a seamless experience for users looking to diversify their digital asset portfolio. Additionally, it offers a built-in Web3 browser, enabling users to explore and interact with decentralized applications (DApps) directly from the wallet, further enhancing the user’s engagement with the blockchain ecosystem.


Coinbase Wallet Key Features

Supported Assets: Coinbase Wallet supports a wide variety of cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and many ERC-20 tokens, as well as NFTs, making it a versatile choice for users looking to manage a diverse portfolio of digital assets.

Self-Custody: The wallet places control in the hands of the user by providing full custody of their private keys. This feature ensures that only the user has access to their funds, enhancing security and privacy.

DeFi and DApp Integration: Users can directly access and interact with DeFi platforms and DApps through the wallet’s integrated Web3 browser, enabling a range of activities from trading to earning interest on digital assets.

User-Friendly Interface: Designed with simplicity in mind, the wallet offers an intuitive interface that makes it easy for beginners to navigate while still providing advanced features for experienced users.

Security Measures: Implementing robust security measures such as biometric authentication and two-factor authentication, Coinbase Wallet ensures the safety of users’ assets against unauthorized access.

Multi-Currency Support: The ability to manage a diverse portfolio within a single platform is facilitated by the wallet’s support for multiple cryptocurrencies, allowing users to easily switch between assets.



2. MetaMask


MetaMask is a versatile crypto wallet and browser extension that has gained popularity among users for its ability to connect to the decentralized web. Available for iPhone users, it serves as a gateway to blockchain applications, offering a secure and user-friendly platform for managing digital assets. With millions of users worldwide, MetaMask’s mission is to make the decentralized internet accessible to all, providing tools for buying, sending, spending, and exchanging digital assets effortlessly. Its dual functionality as both a wallet and a browser enable users to make payments globally and securely log into websites to trade assets, lend, and more, fostering a seamless interaction with the blockchain ecosystem.


What does MetaMask do?

MetaMask acts as a bridge between traditional web browsers and the Ethereum blockchain, enabling users to interact with decentralized applications (DApps) directly from their iPhone. It simplifies the process of managing digital identities and securely stores Ethereum and other ERC-20 tokens. Users can also engage in blockchain-based games, access decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms, and participate in token exchanges. By integrating with web browsers, MetaMask allows for secure and private transactions, smart contract execution, and direct interaction with the vast array of services offered on the decentralized web without compromising on the user’s security or privacy.


MetaMask Key Features

Secure Storage: MetaMask provides a secure vault for your digital assets, employing advanced encryption technology to ensure that your funds and private keys are protected against unauthorized access.

User-Friendly Interface: The app boasts an intuitive design, making it accessible to both beginners and experienced users alike. Its straightforward navigation and clear instructions facilitate easy management of digital assets and interactions with DApps.

Built-In Browser: MetaMask includes a built-in browser that allows users to explore and interact with decentralized applications directly, without leaving the app. This feature simplifies the process of engaging with the decentralized web.

Token Exchange: Users can easily exchange their tokens within the app, thanks to MetaMask’s integration with various decentralized exchanges. This enables quick and secure token swaps without needing to navigate away from the wallet.

Customizable Security Settings: MetaMask offers customizable security settings, including the option to set up a password for app access and a secret recovery phrase for wallet recovery. These features enhance the overall security of the user’s digital assets.

Blockchain Connectivity: It connects users directly to the Ethereum blockchain and supports a wide range of ERC-20 tokens, facilitating seamless transactions and interactions with smart contracts and DApps.

Cross-Platform Compatibility: Besides its availability on iPhone, MetaMask can be used across multiple platforms, including desktop browsers through extensions, ensuring a synchronized experience across devices.



3. Sweat Wallet

Sweat Wallet

Sweat Wallet is a unique crypto wallet for iPhone available on the iPhone that incentivizes users to stay physically active by converting their steps into a digital currency known as SWEAT. This innovative approach combines the health and fitness sector with the burgeoning world of cryptocurrencies, offering a novel way for users to engage with both. By leveraging the capabilities of blockchain technology, Sweat Wallet provides a platform where exercise not only benefits physical health but also offers financial rewards, making it an attractive option for those looking to incorporate more activity into their daily routines while exploring the world of digital assets.


What does Sweat Wallet do?

Sweat Wallet transforms the concept of earning through movement into a tangible reality. By tracking the number of steps a user takes, the app mints SWEAT tokens, a form of cryptocurrency that can be used within the app’s ecosystem or staked for potential returns. Beyond its primary function of rewarding physical activity, Sweat Wallet also serves as a full-fledged cryptocurrency wallet, allowing users to manage their SWEAT tokens, exchange them for other cryptocurrencies, and explore various DeFi services. The app encourages not only a healthier lifestyle through physical activity but also provides an entry point into the world of cryptocurrency, making it accessible to a broader audience.


Sweat Wallet Key Features

Minting SWEAT Tokens Through Physical Activity: Users earn SWEAT tokens by walking, running, or engaging in any activity that increases their step count. This feature bridges the gap between maintaining a healthy lifestyle and participating in the digital economy.

Staking Options for SWEAT Tokens: The app offers users the ability to stake their earned SWEAT tokens within the platform, potentially earning rewards and increasing their digital assets through their physical efforts.

Cryptocurrency Exchange and DeFi Services: Beyond its unique minting feature, Sweat Wallet provides users with the ability to exchange SWEAT for other cryptocurrencies, engage in liquidity provision, and explore various decentralized finance (DeFi) opportunities, making it a versatile tool for both fitness enthusiasts and crypto investors.

Rewards And Incentives: The app incentivizes users with various rewards, including crypto prizes, gift vouchers, and access to exclusive events, depending on the level of activity and the amount of SWEAT staked, encouraging continuous engagement and activity.

Educational Resources: For those new to the world of cryptocurrency, Sweat Wallet offers educational materials and tutorials on managing digital assets, DeFi concepts, and the mechanics of the Sweat Wallet itself, fostering a well-informed user base.



4. Phantom


Phantom is a crypto wallet designed for iPhone users, offering a seamless and secure way to manage tokens, NFTs, and engage with decentralized finance (DeFi) applications. With a focus on user experience, Phantom provides an intuitive interface that simplifies the complexities of Web3 for both newcomers and seasoned crypto enthusiasts. The wallet prioritizes safety and privacy, ensuring users have full control over their assets while their personal information remains protected. Phantom’s commitment to security is underscored by rigorous independent audits conducted by leading security firms, establishing a trustworthy environment for managing digital assets.


What does Phantom do?

Phantom is a crypto wallet for iPhone that serves as a gateway to the expansive universe of Web3, enabling users to perform instant transactions with minimal fees. It’s not just a wallet, it’s a comprehensive platform that supports a wide range of activities including the storage and display of NFTs, token management, and access to DeFi services. Phantom integrates a built-in browser, allowing users to seamlessly interact with their favorite decentralized applications (dApps) without leaving the app. This integration fosters a cohesive ecosystem where users can explore, transact, and manage their digital assets in one place, making it a versatile tool for anyone looking to dive into the world of cryptocurrencies and NFTs.


Phantom Key Features

Instant Transactions with Super Low Fees: Phantom facilitates swift transactions across the blockchain, ensuring that users can send and receive digital assets with minimal delay and at a fraction of the cost compared to traditional methods.

A Beautiful Home for Your NFTs And Tokens: The wallet offers a visually appealing interface where users can easily view and manage their NFT collections and cryptocurrency tokens, enhancing the overall user experience.

Use Your Favorite Sites in Our Browser: With an integrated browser, Phantom allows users to directly access and interact with a wide array of dApps, streamlining the process of using decentralized services and platforms.

You Have Full Control Over Your Assets: Emphasizing security, Phantom ensures that users retain complete control over their digital assets, providing peace of mind in the dynamic and sometimes unpredictable world of crypto.

Your Privacy Is 100% Respected: Privacy is a cornerstone of Phantom’s design, with measures in place to protect user information and activity from unauthorized access, ensuring a secure and private experience.

Independently Audited by Top Security Firms: To guarantee the highest levels of security, Phantom undergoes rigorous audits by leading security firms, affirming its commitment to safeguarding user assets and data.



5. Braavos Smart Wallet

Braavos Smart Wallet

The Braavos Smart Wallet is a self-custodial wallet designed to combine the ease of use typically associated with custodial wallets with the advantages of decentralized and self-custodial asset management. Operating on StarkNet, a zero-knowledge roll-up on the Ethereum network, it offers users a secure way to access decentralized applications (dApps) and manage their digital assets on a layer-2 solution. The wallet aims to provide a reassuring user experience without sacrificing the core benefits of decentralization.


What does Braavos Smart Wallet do?

Braavos Smart Wallet serves as a gateway for iPhone users to interact with the decentralized web. It allows for the secure holding of assets and facilitates access to a wide range of dApps running on StarkNet. By leveraging the layer-2 scaling solutions of Ethereum, the wallet provides a platform for users to engage with the blockchain ecosystem while maintaining full control over their private keys and assets. This approach ensures that users benefit from enhanced security and autonomy over their digital currencies.


Braavos Smart Wallet Key Features

User Experience: The wallet is designed with a focus on user experience, aiming to make the process of managing digital assets straightforward for both newcomers and experienced users alike.

Security: With its self-custodial nature, Braavos Smart Wallet prioritizes security, giving users peace of mind by ensuring that they have exclusive control over their private keys and assets.

Decentralization: By running on StarkNet, the wallet upholds the ethos of decentralization, allowing users to benefit from the robustness and transparency of the Ethereum blockchain without compromising on speed or efficiency.

Compatibility: The wallet is compatible with a range of Apple devices, including iPhones with iOS 12.4 or later, iPod touch devices, and Macs with an Apple M1 chip or later, ensuring a broad user base can access its features.

Privacy: Braavos LTD., the developer behind the wallet, emphasizes privacy, stating that no data is collected from the app, which may appeal to users who are privacy-conscious.

Accessibility: The wallet is free to download and use, making it accessible to anyone with a compatible device who wishes to explore the world of decentralized finance and asset management.

Multilingual Support: English language support ensures that a wide audience can navigate and utilize the wallet effectively.

Age Rating: With an age rating of 17+, the wallet is positioned for an audience that is likely to have a vested interest in the cryptocurrency space and the use of dApps.



6. Smart Wallet App

Smart Wallet App

Smart Wallet App is a comprehensive solution for iPhone users looking to dive into the world of cryptocurrency. Developed by Yamad LLC, this application offers a seamless and secure way to manage, store, and transact with various cryptocurrencies. With its user-friendly interface, Smart Wallet App caters to both beginners and seasoned crypto enthusiasts. The crypto wallet app for iPhone allows for the creation of an unlimited number of wallets, enabling users to manage a diverse portfolio of cryptocurrencies from a single platform. Enhanced security measures, including strong encryption algorithms, ensure the safety of users’ assets and data. Additionally, the app’s commitment to continuous improvement reflects in its latest version, which boasts enhanced stability and bug fixes, making it a reliable tool for anyone looking to explore the opportunities presented by the cryptocurrency market.


What does Smart Wallet App do?

Smart Wallet App serves as a versatile digital wallet for iPhone users interested in the cryptocurrency space. It simplifies the process of storing, sending, and receiving various cryptocurrencies by providing a single platform where users can effortlessly switch between different assets. The app’s design focuses on ease of use, making it accessible for users with varying levels of experience in the crypto world. Beyond basic transaction capabilities, Smart Wallet App offers a comprehensive view of one’s balance and transaction history, promoting transparency and control over one’s digital assets. Security is a top priority, with the app employing advanced encryption techniques to protect user data and funds. Furthermore, Smart Wallet App does not collect any user data, ensuring privacy and confidentiality. Its compatibility across multiple Apple devices, including iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Mac, ensures a seamless experience for users invested in the Apple ecosystem.


Smart Wallet App Key Features

User-Friendly Interface: The design of Smart Wallet App prioritizes simplicity and ease of use, making it accessible for both newcomers and experienced users in the cryptocurrency market. This approach ensures that managing crypto assets is straightforward and stress-free.

Unlimited Wallet Creation: Users have the flexibility to create an unlimited number of wallets within the app, allowing for the management of a diverse portfolio of cryptocurrencies. This feature caters to users looking to explore different assets without the need for multiple apps.

Enhanced Security: Security is paramount in the crypto world, and Smart Wallet App addresses this by implementing strong encryption algorithms to safeguard user data and funds. This commitment to security provides peace of mind for users as they manage their digital assets.

Comprehensive Asset Management: The app offers a detailed view of balances and transaction histories, enabling users to keep track of their assets efficiently. This transparency is crucial for effective portfolio management and financial planning in the volatile crypto market.

Continuous Improvement: The development team behind Smart Wallet App is dedicated to refining and enhancing the app’s features and usability. Regular updates, such as bug fixes and stability improvements, ensure that the app remains reliable and user-friendly.



7. Tonkeeper


Tonkeeper is a non-custodial cryptocurrency wallet designed for iPhone users who are looking to interact with The Open Network (TON). It offers a user-friendly interface that simplifies the process of storing, sending, and receiving Toncoin, the native cryptocurrency of the TON blockchain. With a focus on security and ease of use, Tonkeeper allows users to take full control of their digital assets without the need for personal details or registration, providing a secret recovery phrase for wallet recovery.


What does Tonkeeper do?

Tonkeeper serves as a gateway for users to engage with the TON blockchain ecosystem. It enables users to execute transactions quickly and with low fees, reflecting the high-speed capabilities of the TON network. The wallet supports peer-to-peer subscriptions and allows users to manage their digital assets securely on their iPhone. Tonkeeper also integrates features such as a built-in exchange and staking options, making it a versatile tool for both novice and experienced cryptocurrency enthusiasts.


Tonkeeper Key Features

Non-Custodial Wallet: Tonkeeper emphasizes user sovereignty by giving users full control over their private keys and recovery phrases, ensuring that they are the sole custodians of their digital assets.

User-Friendly Interface: The wallet boasts a clean and intuitive interface, making it accessible for users of all experience levels to navigate and manage their cryptocurrency holdings.

Built-In Exchange: Users can buy, sell, and swap Toncoin directly within the app, providing a seamless trading experience without the need to navigate to external exchanges.

Staking Options: Tonkeeper includes staking features, allowing users to earn rewards on their Toncoin holdings by participating in network validation processes.

High-Speed Transactions: Reflecting the capabilities of the TON blockchain, the wallet offers fast transaction processing, ensuring users can send and receive Toncoin with minimal delay.

Peer-to-Peer Subscriptions: The app supports subscriptions paid in Toncoin, enabling users to support content creators and services directly through the wallet.

End-to-End Security: With a strong focus on security, Tonkeeper stores cryptographic keys on the user’s device, reducing the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access.

Multilingual Support: To cater to a global user base, the wallet provides support for multiple languages, making it accessible to a wider audience.

Dark Mode: For users who prefer a darker aesthetic or want to reduce eye strain, Tonkeeper offers a dark mode option, enhancing visual comfort and user experience.



8. 1inch


1inch is a multifaceted DeFi (Decentralized Finance) crypto wallet designed for the iOS platform, offering users a secure and efficient way to manage their digital assets. This non-custodial wallet supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies across multiple blockchains, including Ethereum, BNB Chain, Polygon, and more, making it a versatile tool for both novice and experienced users in the crypto space. With its user-friendly interface, 1inch facilitates the storage, sending, and receiving of cryptocurrencies in a protected environment, ensuring that users have a seamless experience while navigating the complexities of the DeFi ecosystem, making it a great addition to the list of the best crypto wallet for iPhone.


What does 1inch do?

1inch serves as a comprehensive gateway to the DeFi world, enabling users to not only store their digital assets securely but also to engage in various DeFi activities directly from their mobile devices. It integrates a built-in decentralized exchange (DEX) aggregator that scans multiple DEXs to find the best swap rates for users, thereby optimizing their trading strategies. Additionally, 1inch offers features like staking, liquidity provision, and access to a wide array of DeFi services across several blockchains. This makes it an all-in-one platform for users looking to maximize their engagement with the DeFi space, offering both convenience and flexibility in managing their crypto portfolios.


1inch Key Features

Multichain Support: 1inch extends its utility by supporting a broad spectrum of blockchains, including Ethereum, BNB Chain, Polygon, and others. This feature allows users to manage a diverse portfolio of digital assets across various networks from a single wallet, simplifying the complexity associated with using multiple wallets for different blockchains.

Non-Custodial Security: At the core of 1inch’s design is its non-custodial nature, ensuring that users retain full control over their private keys and, consequently, their funds. This approach enhances security by minimizing the risk of asset loss due to centralized exchange hacks or mismanagement.

Built-In DEX Aggregator: The wallet’s integrated DEX aggregator is a standout feature, scanning multiple decentralized exchanges to secure the best possible trading rates for its users. This functionality not only saves time but also potentially increases the profitability of trades by ensuring users always get a competitive rate.

User-Friendly Interface: Despite its advanced features, 1inch boasts a clean and intuitive interface that caters to both beginners and seasoned crypto enthusiasts. This ease of use ensures that users can navigate the app’s functionalities without feeling overwhelmed, making DeFi more accessible to a broader audience.

Staking and Liquidity Provision: Beyond basic wallet functions, 1inch offers users opportunities to earn through staking and providing liquidity. These features allow users to put their idle assets to work, earning rewards while contributing to the liquidity and stability of the DeFi ecosystem.



9. Surf Wallet

Surf Wallet

Surf Wallet introduces itself as a pioneering solution in the world of Web3, offering a non-custodial, user-friendly experience for iPhone users. This crypto wallet for iPhone is designed to cater to the needs of those immersed in the cryptocurrency space, providing a seamless way to send, receive, and earn digital assets. With its focus on ease of use and comprehensive token management, Surf Wallet aims to simplify the complexities associated with digital currencies. The recent update to version 0.2.3, which includes bug fixes and the addition of an in-wallet swap feature, further enhances its utility and user experience.


What does Surf Wallet do?

Surf Wallet serves as a gateway to the decentralized web, enabling users to manage their digital assets with ease. It is the first of its kind to offer zk-login capabilities, ensuring a high level of security and privacy for its users. The wallet’s non-custodial nature means that users have full control over their assets without the need to trust a third party. From sending and receiving cryptocurrencies to earning through various DeFi platforms, Surf Wallet consolidates all these functionalities into a single, intuitive interface. Its commitment to user-friendliness is evident in its design, making it accessible to both beginners and seasoned crypto enthusiasts alike.


Surf Wallet Key Features

Non-Custodial: Surf Wallet gives users complete control over their digital assets, eliminating the need for a third party to hold their funds. This feature is crucial for those who prioritize security and autonomy in managing their cryptocurrencies.

User-Friendly Interface: The wallet is designed with simplicity in mind, making it easy for anyone to navigate and manage their assets, regardless of their experience level with digital currencies.

Zk-Login Capabilities: This advanced feature enhances user privacy and security, setting Surf Wallet apart from other wallets in the market. It allows for secure authentication without compromising personal information.

In-Wallet Swap: With the latest update, users can now exchange tokens directly within the wallet, streamlining the process of managing and diversifying their portfolio without having to navigate to external exchanges.

Comprehensive Token Management: Surf Wallet simplifies the process of tracking and managing a wide range of digital assets, providing users with a clear overview of their holdings and transactions in one place.



10. Pass2U Wallet

Pass2U Wallet

Pass2U Wallet is a versatile application designed for iPhone users seeking a streamlined way to manage their digital cards, coupons, and tickets. This app allows users to digitize a wide array of physical documents such as loyalty cards, membership cards, event tickets, and boarding passes, making them easily accessible from one’s iPhone. By leveraging the convenience of Apple Wallet, Pass2U Wallet enhances the user experience by simplifying the way individuals carry and access their essential cards and passes. Its user-friendly interface and broad compatibility with various barcode formats make it an attractive option for those looking to declutter their physical wallets and move towards a more digital approach.


What does Pass2U Wallet do?

Pass2U Wallet serves as a comprehensive solution for digitizing and organizing various types of passes, including loyalty cards, membership cards, coupons, event tickets, and more. Users can easily add their physical cards to the app by scanning the barcode, manually entering the barcode information, or importing .pkpass files. Once added, these digital passes can be conveniently accessed on the iPhone, shared with others, and even updated with new information as needed. The app also utilizes location-based services to display relevant passes on the lock screen when users are near a specific venue, enhancing the convenience and usability of the digital passes. Additionally, Pass2U Wallet supports integration with Apple Wallet, allowing users to transfer their digital passes to Apple Wallet for even easier access.


Pass2U Wallet Key Features

Barcode Support: Pass2U Wallet supports a wide range of barcode formats including QR Code, Aztec, PDF417 2D barcodes, and Code 128 1D barcode. This versatility ensures that users can digitize almost any card or ticket, regardless of the barcode type used.

Location-Based Display: The app utilizes location services to show relevant passes on the iPhone’s lock screen when the user is near the venue associated with the pass. This feature ensures that users have quick and easy access to their passes exactly when they need them.

Integration with Apple Wallet: Pass2U Wallet allows users to add their digital passes to Apple Wallet, providing a seamless experience for accessing and using passes across both platforms.

Google Drive Backup and Restore: Users can backup their passes to Google Drive, ensuring that their digital cards and tickets are safe and can be easily restored on a new device if necessary.

Wear OS Support: For users with Wear OS smartwatches, Pass2U Wallet extends its functionality to wearable devices, allowing for even more convenient access to passes directly from the wrist.

Customization and Updates: Pass2U Wallet offers tools for customizing the appearance of passes and provides a free Pass update API for issuers to keep passes up to date with the latest information and offers.



11. Tronlink


Tronlink is a dedicated crypto wallet for iPhone designed for iOS users who are engaged with the TRON blockchain. As a secure and user-friendly platform, Tronlink facilitates the management of TRX and other TRC-standard tokens, offering a gateway to the vast ecosystem of decentralized applications (DApps) on the TRON network. Developed with a focus on security and ease of use, the app represents a vital tool for individuals looking to interact with the TRON blockchain, whether they are seasoned crypto enthusiasts or newcomers to space.


What does Tronlink do?

Tronlink serves as a bridge connecting users to the TRON blockchain, enabling them to securely store, send, and receive TRX and other TRC tokens directly from their iPhone. Beyond basic wallet functionalities, it integrates access to a wide array of DApps, allowing users to participate in the decentralized web with ease. From gaming and social media platforms to decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, Tronlink users can explore and interact with the burgeoning TRON ecosystem without needing to compromise on security or user experience. The app’s design prioritizes privacy, with no personal information required to access its features, thus ensuring users’ data remains protected.


Tronlink Key Features

Decentralized Wallet: Tronlink emphasizes user sovereignty by enabling local offline storage of private keys, which means only the user has access to their funds and complete control over their security.

Multi-Layer Security: The app incorporates several layers of security measures, including encryption and biometric authentication options, to protect users’ assets against unauthorized access and potential threats.

DApp Browser: Integrated directly within the app, the DApp browser provides seamless access to a wide range of decentralized applications on the TRON network, enriching the user experience with diverse blockchain-based services and entertainment.

User Privacy: Tronlink is designed with a strong focus on privacy, requiring no personal information from its users to set up or use the wallet, thereby safeguarding users’ data and transactions.

EVM Compatibility: Supporting Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) networks, Tronlink extends its utility beyond the TRON ecosystem, allowing users to manage assets across multiple blockchains for a more comprehensive web3 experience.

Intuitive User Interface: The wallet is crafted to be accessible to both beginners and experienced users, featuring a straightforward and clean interface that simplifies the management of digital assets and interaction with DApps.

Integrated Exchange Functionality: Users can swap tokens directly within the app, thanks to built-in exchange features, facilitating easy and quick asset conversion without the need to use external exchanges.



12. Backpack Crypto Wallet

Backpack Crypto Wallet

Backpack Crypto Wallet is a versatile application designed for iPhone users who are engaged in the cryptocurrency space. This self-custody crypto wallet for iPhone caters to both Solana and Ethereum ecosystems, offering a wide range of functionalities including the ability to send and receive cryptocurrencies and NFTs, view NFT collections, swap tokens, and much more. Developed with a focus on user experience, Backpack Crypto Wallet combines security, ease of use, and a comprehensive feature set to meet the needs of both novice and experienced crypto enthusiasts. Its commitment to stability and continuous improvement is evident in its regular updates, which aim to enhance user satisfaction and wallet performance.


What does Backpack Crypto Wallet do?

Backpack Crypto Wallet is a crypto wallet for iPhone that serves as a secure digital vault for users to manage their cryptocurrency assets directly from their iPhones. It enables users to engage with the blockchain without the need for intermediaries, providing full control over their digital assets. The wallet supports a variety of operations such as sending and receiving cryptocurrencies, managing, and viewing NFT collections, and swapping tokens across the Solana and Ethereum blockchains. Additionally, it offers a user-friendly interface that simplifies the complex world of cryptocurrencies, making it accessible to users with varying levels of expertise. By prioritizing security and user autonomy, Backpack Crypto Wallet empowers individuals to participate in the digital economy with confidence and ease.


Backpack Crypto Wallet Key Features

Self-Custody: Backpack Crypto Wallet places the control of assets directly in the hands of the user, ensuring that only they have access to their private keys and, consequently, their funds.

Support for Solana and Ethereum: The wallet is designed to work seamlessly with two of the most popular blockchains, allowing users to manage a diverse portfolio of assets across both ecosystems.

NFT Management: Users can view and manage their NFT collections within the wallet, providing a centralized platform for interacting with digital collectibles.

Token Swapping: The wallet includes a built-in feature for swapping tokens, facilitating easy and efficient trades between different cryptocurrencies without leaving the app.

Regular Updates: The development team is committed to improving the wallet’s functionality and stability, releasing updates that enhance the overall user experience and security.

User-Friendly Interface: Designed with simplicity in mind, the wallet’s interface makes navigating the complexities of cryptocurrency management accessible to users of all skill levels.



13. DeFi Wallet

DeFi Wallet

DeFi Wallet is a leading crypto wallet for iPhone designed for iPhone users who seek a secure and versatile platform for their digital assets. This non-custodial DeFi wallet empowers users with full control over their cryptocurrencies and private keys, ensuring a high level of security for their investments. It supports the storage, sending, and receiving of over 500 cryptocurrencies, including popular ones like Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), along with various DeFi coins such as Uniswap (UNI), Compound (COMP), and yearn.finance (YFI), in addition to stablecoins and other ERC20 tokens. The wallet is tailored for those who prioritize security without compromising on the flexibility to manage a wide range of digital assets.


What does DeFi Wallet do?

DeFi Wallet is a crypto wallet for iPhone that serves as a comprehensive solution for managing cryptocurrency assets directly from an iPhone. It allows users to safely store their digital currencies in a secure environment, where they have sole ownership of their private keys. This feature is crucial for anyone looking to maintain autonomy over their crypto assets. Beyond storage, the wallet facilitates the seamless sending and receiving of a vast array of cryptocurrencies, making it an ideal tool for daily crypto transactions. Additionally, it caters to the growing interest in decentralized finance (DeFi) by supporting a variety of DeFi coins, enabling users to engage with the burgeoning DeFi ecosystem directly from their mobile device.


DeFi Wallet Key Features

Non-Custodial: One of the wallet’s standout features is its non-custodial nature, meaning users retain complete control over their private keys and, consequently, their crypto assets. This aspect is fundamental for those who prioritize security and autonomy in managing their digital currencies.

Support For 500+ Cryptocurrencies: The wallet’s extensive support for over 500 cryptocurrencies, including major coins, DeFi tokens, stablecoins, and ERC20 tokens, makes it a versatile platform for users looking to manage a diverse portfolio from their iPhone.

Highly Secure Environment: Security is paramount in the world of cryptocurrency, and DeFi Wallet addresses this by providing a highly secure environment for storing digital assets. This ensures that users’ investments are safeguarded against unauthorized access.

User-Friendly Interface: Despite its advanced features, the wallet boasts a user-friendly interface that makes it accessible for both beginners and experienced users. This ease of use ensures that managing crypto assets is straightforward and efficient.

Integration with DeFi Projects: For enthusiasts of decentralized finance, the wallet’s integration with various DeFi projects opens up opportunities to participate in the DeFi ecosystem. This feature allows users to explore and engage with innovative financial services on the blockchain.



14. PointPay


PointPay is a comprehensive platform designed for the cryptocurrency community, offering a wide array of services from a blockchain wallet to a full-fledged cryptobank. This application, available on the iPhone, caters to both beginners and seasoned cryptocurrency enthusiasts by providing a secure and user-friendly environment for managing digital assets. With its launch, PointPay has made strides in simplifying the cryptocurrency experience, offering tools and features that facilitate buying, selling, and earning interest on cryptocurrencies. Its commitment to security, combined with a focus on user education through its Crypto School, makes it a noteworthy option for anyone looking to navigate the cryptocurrency landscape, making it a great fit to close the list of the best crypto wallet for iPhone.


What does PointPay do?

PointPay is a crypto wallet for iPhone that serves as a bridge between traditional banking and the digital currency world, offering a suite of services that cater to the needs of cryptocurrency users. At its core, it allows users to easily buy, sell, and manage a variety of cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Tether, among others. Beyond basic wallet functionality, PointPay distinguishes itself by offering interest-earning accounts, a feature not commonly found in other crypto wallets. This enables users to grow their digital assets passively. Additionally, the platform supports quick cryptocurrency purchases using credit cards, bank transfers, and mobile payment systems like Apple Pay, making it accessible to a broad audience. With its integrated exchange, users can also trade cryptocurrencies efficiently. PointPay’s commitment to providing a comprehensive cryptocurrency management solution is evident in its wide range of services designed to meet the evolving needs of the market.


PointPay Key Features

Easy Account Creation and Management: PointPay simplifies the process of entering the cryptocurrency world with an easy account setup and management system. This feature is particularly beneficial for beginners who may find the world of digital currencies daunting.

Daily Interest Rate: One of the standout features of PointPay is the ability to earn daily interest on cryptocurrency holdings. This offers users a way to passively increase their digital assets, which is a significant advantage in the dynamic crypto market.

Quick Buy Crypto: The platform provides a seamless service for purchasing cryptocurrencies. Users can quickly buy Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other digital currencies using various payment methods, including credit cards and mobile payments, making it convenient for users to expand their crypto portfolio.

Staking PXP: For those looking to maximize their earnings, PointPay offers staking options for its native PXP token. Staking rewards users with up to 7% per annum, along with reduced fees and premium support, enhancing the overall user experience.

Multi-Language Support and Crypto School: Understanding the global nature of cryptocurrency, PointPay offers its mobile application in 18 languages, making it accessible to a wide audience. Additionally, the Crypto School section provides valuable information for users to learn about crypto assets, ensuring they are well-informed and capable of making smart decisions.


FAQs on Best Crypto Wallet for iPhone

What is a Crypto Wallet for iPhone?

A crypto wallet for iPhone is a digital wallet designed to store, send, and receive cryptocurrencies securely on an iPhone device. It is an application that interfaces with various blockchain networks to enable users to manage their digital assets. These wallets can be hot wallets, which are connected to the internet and facilitate quick transactions, or cold wallets, which are offline and provide enhanced security. The best wallets offer a combination of security features, user-friendly interfaces, and support for a wide range of cryptocurrencies.

How do I choose the best crypto wallet for my iPhone?

Choosing the best crypto wallet for iPhone devices involves considering several factors. First, assess the security features of the wallet, such as two-factor authentication, pin codes, and backup options. Next, consider the range of supported cryptocurrencies and whether the wallet is compatible with the tokens you intend to use. User experience is also crucial, the wallet should have an intuitive interface that makes it easy to navigate and execute transactions. Additionally, look for wallets that offer customer support and regular updates to ensure ongoing maintenance and security.

Are iPhone crypto wallets safe?

iPhone crypto wallets can be safe if they employ robust security measures. Most reputable wallets incorporate advanced security protocols like encryption, biometric authentication, and secure enclave technology. However, the safety of a wallet also depends on the user’s practices, such as keeping software updated, not sharing private keys, and using secure internet connections. It’s important to research and use wallets from reputable developers and avoid downloading from unverified sources.

Can I use multiple crypto wallets on my iPhone?

Yes, you can use multiple crypto wallets on your iPhone. This can be beneficial for managing different types of cryptocurrencies, separating funds for different purposes, or simply as a way to enhance security by not keeping all assets in one place. However, managing multiple wallets requires keeping track of various security credentials and can be more complex, so it’s essential to stay organized and secure.

What happens if I lose my iPhone with a crypto wallet installed?

If you lose your iPhone with a crypto wallet installed, the security of your funds depends on the precautions you took beforehand. If you have enabled security features like a strong passcode or biometric authentication, and you have a backup of your wallet (such as a recovery phrase or seed words), you can restore your wallet on a new device. It’s crucial to never store your recovery phrase on your iPhone or any cloud storage that could be accessed by someone else. Contacting the wallet provider for assistance can also be a step in the recovery process.

Can I transfer my crypto wallet from one iPhone to another?

Yes, you can transfer your crypto wallet from one iPhone to another. This is typically done by installing the wallet application on the new device and using the recovery phrase or seed words to restore the wallet. It’s important to follow the wallet’s specific instructions for transferring to ensure the process is secure and successful.

Do iPhone crypto wallets support all cryptocurrencies?

Not all iPhone crypto wallets support all cryptocurrencies. Wallets vary in the number of supported coins and tokens, with some offering support for only a few cryptocurrencies and others for hundreds or even thousands. When choosing a wallet, ensure it supports the specific cryptocurrencies you plan to use. Some wallets specialize in a single cryptocurrency, while others are multi-asset wallets.

How do I back up my iPhone crypto wallet?

Backing up your crypto wallet for iPhone typically involves writing down a recovery phrase or seed words provided by the wallet. This phrase should be stored securely offline, such as in a safe or another secure location. Some wallets may also offer backup options through encrypted files or cloud services, but these should be used with caution and additional security measures.

Can I use my iPhone crypto wallet for daily transactions?

Yes, you can use your iPhone crypto wallet for daily transactions. Hot wallets are particularly suited for this purpose as they are designed for convenience and quick access to funds. However, for larger transactions or long-term storage, it’s recommended to use a cold wallet or hardware wallet for added security.

What are the fees associated with using an iPhone crypto wallet?

The fees associated with using an iPhone crypto wallet can vary depending on the wallet and the type of transaction. Some wallets charge a fee for sending or exchanging cryptocurrencies, while others may offer free transactions. Network fees, which are paid to blockchain miners or validators, also apply and can fluctuate based on network congestion. It’s important to review the fee structure of a wallet before using it to ensure it aligns with your needs.



Selecting the best crypto wallet for iPhone is a critical decision that hinges on multiple factors, including security, supported cryptocurrencies, ease of use, and the wallet’s fee structure. While iPhone crypto wallets offer a convenient way to manage digital assets on the go, users must remain vigilant about security practices, such as enabling strong authentication methods and keeping recovery phrases offline. With the right wallet, iPhone users can confidently engage in daily transactions and enjoy the benefits of the evolving cryptocurrency ecosystem. Whether you’re a seasoned trader or a newcomer to the crypto world, understanding the functionalities and responsibilities that come with using a crypto wallet will ensure a secure and efficient experience.